Progressive addition lenses offer several benefits compared to traditional bifocal or trifocal lenses. Some of the most common benefits that most user enjoy by using progressive addition lenses are:


Natural Vision Correction: Progressive lens provide a smooth progression of lens powers from distance to near, allowing for a more natural correction of presbyopia (age-related near vision decline). Unlike bifocal or trifocal lenses with distinct lines separating the different powers, Progressive lens offer seamless vision correction without abrupt transitions.


Clear Vision at All Distances: With Progressive lens, you can enjoy clear vision at all distances—far, intermediate, and near—without the need to switch between multiple pairs of glasses. This versatility is particularly beneficial for activities that require frequent changes in focus, such as reading, using a computer, or driving.


No Visible Lines: Progressive addition lens eliminate the visible lines found in bifocal or trifocal lenses, providing a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. The absence of these lines also helps avoid the inconvenience of adjusting your head position to find the right lens segment for different tasks.


Smooth Adaptation: While some people may experience a short adaptation period when transitioning to PALs, many users find that they adapt quickly and comfortably to these lenses. Once adapted, you can enjoy seamless vision correction without the need for separate glasses for different distances.


Customization Options: PALs can be customized to suit your specific visual needs and lifestyle requirements.


Overall, progressive addition lenses offer convenience, comfort, and excellent vision correction for individuals with presbyopia, allowing them to maintain an active lifestyle without compromising on visual clarity.

The Akrivistaa Lite Progressive lens features a symmetric design, providing more natural vision compared to traditional bifocal lenses. With this design, both the right and left lenses are identical. Nasal decentration is achieved through equal and opposite lens rotation, leading to differing peripheral optical features between the two lenses. Some users may find this aspect challenging to adapt to.


On the other hand, Akrivistaa Pro utilizes an asymmetric progressive lens design. This design incorporates a nasal offset in the near zone and features separate designs for the right and left lenses. As a result, there is no need for lens rotation, ensuring consistent peripheral optical characteristics in both lenses. This design contributes to better adaptation, improved visual comfort, and enhanced binocular vision and convergence.

Customizing progressive lenses is crucial for enhancing lens optics, mitigating drawbacks, and achieving optimal visual performance. Through tailored optical vision correction, customized progressive lenses address your individual visual needs and lifestyle. This customized approach minimizes adaptation challenges by optimizing the lens design according to your preferences and specific requirements. Consequently, the adaptation period to wearing progressive lenses becomes smoother and more comfortable. Ultimately, customization ensures that your eyewear provides preferred vision correction, leading to enhanced vision, comfort, and overall satisfaction. Akrivistaa Ultimate is the customized progressive lenses that aims to optimize the progressive lens design based upon on frame shape and size. The optical design of the lenses can be precisely fine-tuned to match the frame shape and size using sophisticated optical optimization process. This virtually eliminates the effect of aberrations on the eyes, and you enjoy the best vision through the progressive viewing zones.

Adapting to new progressive lenses is indeed a natural process, but it’s important to understand the factors at play during this adjustment period. Each time a new pair of progressive lenses is made, there are changes in lens design that affect how light is refracted and focused onto your retina. Additionally, any alterations in frame fitting can impact the effective power of the lens, influencing how your eyes perceive objects at different distances.

This adjustment isn’t solely about getting used to a new prescription; it also involves your brain recalibrating to interpret depth cues through the updated lens design. As your visual system acclimates to these changes, you may initially experience challenges with depth perception or finding the optimal focal point for various tasks.

However, with patience and time, most individuals find that their vision gradually improves and becomes more comfortable with the new lenses. It’s a process of refinement and adaptation as your brain learns to seamlessly navigate the different focal points provided by the progressive lens design. By allowing yourself the necessary adjustment period, you can ultimately experience the full benefits of your new lenses.

Personalizing and customizing progressive lenses can help minimize adaptation-related issues by addressing individual visual needs and preferences. These tailored lenses can effectively reduce the limitations typically associated with new lens wear, promoting a smoother transition and enhanced comfort for the wearer.